Crafted for Type-Lovers: TYPEONE Magazine Issue 03 is Here!

Crafted for type-lovers, TYPEONE issue 03 is a resource for aspiring muralists & graffiti writers. 

In the third issue, we bring you 136 pages packed with a unique selection of the mural and graffiti worlds right now – all with a focus on type. Through close profiles of talented creatives in the field, insightful interviews, and expert guides, issue 03 presents a comprehensive breakdown of everything you need to know about murals and graffiti today; a top-quality handbook for newly emerging and aspiring creatives, and a one of a kind publication for type-lovers to treasure.

TYPEONE issue 03 – cover design
TYPEONE issue 03 – cover design

With insights from industry leaders, top creatives, and experts in the field, issue 03 serves up all the accessible content budding graffiti writers and muralists need, encased in a very special fold-out cover courtesy of Appear Offline. If you’re looking to break into the mural and graffiti scenes, learn about the diverse discussions that surround them, or simply explore this dynamic and exciting outlet, TYPEONE issue 03 is where it’s at.

TYPEONE issue 03 – cover design
TYPEONE issue 03 – cover design

The Cover 

Designed by Marko – this issue’s Idol and the face behind Appear Offline – TYPEONE’s third cover comes in a very special fold-out format, featuring the designer’s iconic combination of traditional type with expressive graffiti shapes. To mark this issue’s dedication to murals and graffiti, the fold-out format evokes a feeling of the painted walls these fields have given us all over the world. 

On the back, for issue 03’s Letters section (which usually features a short essay), we have selected a short, inspiring phrase from Adam Fujita’s invigorating interview, to reflect the fast-paced, short writings found in murals and graffiti.

TYPEONE issue 03 – Insights

What’s Inside?

Covering business and entrepreneurial advice, legal tips and pricing guidance, artistic trends, type movements, and the stories behind them, issue 03 reveals not only the practical information you need to elevate your career but the cultural and artistic knowledge that’s essential to bring along. Accompanied by a selection of resources and events curated in partnership with Design Calendar, issue 03 uncovers the spirit of community and connection that defines graffiti and murals today – all while equipping budding creatives with the cultural awareness, artistic insight, and practical know-how needed to enter these spaces and shine.

TYPEONE issue 03 – Interviews

Our Interviews and Insights sections are aimed at uplifting and empowering creatives entering the graffiti and mural fields. Inside, you’ll find interviews with Adam Fujita, who reveals why it’s essential to respect the culture and lineage of graffiti; Brandy Swope, who offers her guide to growing your clientele and getting hired as a mural artist; Deimos, who gives his expertise on handling quotes, legal procedures, clients and getting paid; and Global Street Art Agency, who share the profound impact murals and graffiti have on neighborhoods and their communities.

TYPEONE issue 03 – Culture & Innovation
TYPEONE issue 03 – Culture & Innovation
TYPEONE issue 03 – Culture & Innovation

Complementing the practical tips and advice in Interviews and Insights are in-depth, fascinating debates and stories, found in Culture & Innovation. Exploring graffiti and murals met with developing AR & VR technologies, we delve into the possibility of co-created, interactive graffiti and murals, and look at the fascinating contributions of the likes of WERC collective, Basa Studio, Dmitry Lamonov, and Bond Truluv. We explore the emotional impact of graffiti on the typography and graphic design worlds, as well as the moves brands are making to inspire connection through murals. Ultimately, these pieces open up a wide scope of conversation around graffiti, murals, type, and street art fused with graphic design, technology, community, and more. 

TYPEONE issue 03 – Spotlights
TYPEONE issue 03 – Spotlights

Lastly, our Spotlights section deep-dives into the stories of four incredible creatives working within these spaces, offering creative inspiration from diverse perspectives. We’ve had the pleasure of chatting with Muralist and Artist Harkiran Kalsi, who explains how she aligns her work with her morals and priorities her mental health; Graffiti Writer AURA, who shares stories of the graffiti in her city and the atmosphere it creates; the iconic N.O.Madski, who gives an insight into the shifting landscape of graffiti in Germany; and Graffiti Writer Exist, who shares graffiti’s part in teaching solidarity, acceptance and unity amidst uprising and revolution in Lebanon. 

TYPEONE issue 03 – Idol
TYPEONE issue 03 – Letters

 TYPEONE issue 03 tells a wide range of stories from unique perspectives – whether it’s the vibrant ‘90s golden era of San Francisco’s graffiti scene, the problem with graffiti’s co-option by large corporations, how to price your services and promote your skills, or avoiding customer-client foe-pars. Issue 03 is not only an inspiring, relatable publication for lovers of graffiti, murals, and type – it’s an essential resource for anyone looking to enter these spaces now. 

Order your copy here.
Subscribe & get two issues for £10 here.


HUGE thank you to our partners who helped make this issue happen.

Rosetta TypeDinamo TypefacesZetafontsProduction TypePangram PangramKobu FoundryCoType FoundryBlaze Type.

Cover by @Appear__offline
Design by Studio Ground Floor
Quote by Adam Fujita
Printed by Pressision Creative Print & Finishers